Girls Summer S&C Day 2

Starting at the sledding hill by Silver Lake at Side Cut Metro Park

  1. Dynamic Warmup
  2. Hill perimeter runs, starting on the left – x5
  3. Hill perimeter runs, starting on the right – x5
  4. Break for water, rest
  5. Fallen Timbers Trail run – up to the monument (off task flower picking and dog petting)
  6. Break for water, rest
  7. Fallen Timbers Trail run – back to sledding hill at Silver Lake

9 girls, 8 runners. None of the girls knew the Fallen Timbers Trail route; they ran it successfully with very little instruction. We got started a little later than I would have liked; time became an issue, and we could not fit in the yoga, hill runs on the back end, and the static stretching the boys did in the morning session. Coaches Bell and Taylor were not in attendance.