Boys Summer S&C Day 21, Week 7 of 8

  1. Dynamic Warmup
  2. Hip Series
  3. Warmup Jog, Sideline to Sideline
  4. 300 yd Shuttle
  5. ABC Shuttle x4 (1800 yds in total)
  6. Jingle Jangle Shuttle x8 (1600 yds in total)
  7. Static Stretch
  8. Yoga – Strong Hips

300 yds + 1800 yds + 1600 yds = 3700 yds = over 2.1 MILES of sprinting today! Coach Sloan was in attendance.

Our next session, day 22, week 8 of 8., will be the Capstone of the summer conditioning program. The boys will start (and end) at the parking lot marked “F2” at the Fallen Timbers mall; just south and east of the JC Penney store.