Boys Summer S&C Day 17, Week 6 of 8

  1. Dynamic Warmup
  2. Hip Series (I forgot the Happy Baby pose)
  3. 300 yd Shuttle – x1 or x2
  4. Tempo Runs – 16 minutes
  5. Chaos Drill – x6 or x8
  6. Tire Drag Sprint – 100 yd x1
  7. Burpees – EMOM – 9/6/3, 5 rounds (That’s 90 burpees including pushups)
  8. Static Stretch
  9. Yoga – Hip Strength (added Happy Baby pose at end followed by Corpse pose)

Hard-working crew! The 300 yd shuttle results are improving. The tempo run went very well. The chaos drill was introduced for the first time and the guys picked it right up. They all gritted out the 100 yd tire drag sprint and the 90 burpees. A lot of effort went into those two hours. Coach Sloan was in attendance.