Girls Summer S&C Day 6, Week 2 of 8

  1. Dynamic Warmup
  2. Agility Drills: Illinois Agility Drill, Pro Agility Drill, X Drill, L Drill, W Drill. Once each direction, once carrying a slosh tube.
  3. Grove Hill Runs – x6
  4. Lifted – Back Squat, Power Clean & Push Press, 3 sets of 3 reps each.
  5. Yoga – Balance

Good session. 6 girls plus Coach Taylor in attendance. I left Coach with instructions/comments/suggestions in advance of my two-week vacation. I also LOANED him my Yoga book.

Boys Summer S&C Day 6, Week 2 of 8

  1. Dynamic Warmup
  2. Lifted
  3. Agility Drills – Illinois Agility Drill, Pro Agility Drill, X Drill, L Drill, W Drill. Multiple reps, both directions.
  4. Grove Hill runs – x6
  5. no Yoga – hard stop for me at 9:00

Good session. Good numbers, energy and effort. Coach Sloan was in attendance through the lifting portion of the session.

Girls Summer S&C Day 5, Week 2 of 8

  1. Dynamic Warmup
  2. Tempo Runs – 75% speed, 40 yds out, walk back, repeat for 10 minutes
  3. Road Course
  4. Sled Drags – backward, lateral left, lateral right
  5. Lifted – Bench Press & Trap Bar Dead Lift
  6. Yoga – spinal strength emphasis

Good session but low census – only 6 girls. Coach Taylor was in attendance.

Girls Summer S&C Day 4, Week 2 of 8

  1. Dynamic Warmup
  2. Lifted – Back Squat and Power Clean / Push Press
  3. Sprint 10 x 20 yds
  4. Sprint 8 x 40 yds
  5. Small-Sided Games (quite a few of them)
  6. Field Snake w/ ball
  7. Yoga – I cut it short. Short, like my patience.

13 girls today! Coaches Bell and Taylor were in attendance.

Boys Summer S&C Day 4, Week 2 of 8

  1. Dynamic Warmup
  2. Lifted
  3. 20 yd sprint x 10, 30 sec rest ea sprint
  4. 40 yd sprint x 8, 45 sec rest ea sprint
  5. 60 yd sprint x 6, 60 sec rest ea sprint
  6. Field Snake – soccer move (feint, spin, maradona, cruyff, etc) at every change of direction, sprint between the hash marks.
  7. Yoga – Ankle Mobility & Injury Prevention

Good session, good numbers. Coach Sloan was in attendance.

Girls Summer S&C Day 3

  1. Dynamic Warmup
  2. Agility Course, x1 (both directions)
  3. Jingle Jangle Shuttle (1600 yds total)
  4. Lifted
  5. Yoga – Core Strength

Session could have been better. Only 5 girls showed up. One girl has seemingly not bought in to the concept of these S&C sessions – that is to say: “Hard Work Pays Off”. This will be corrected. Coach Taylor was in attendance, Coach Bell was not.

Boys Summer S&C Day 3

  1. Dynamic Warmup
  2. Lifted
  3. Agility Course x1 (both directions)
  4. Jingle Jangle Shuttle (16oo yds total)
  5. Static Stretching
  6. Yoga – Core Strength

Good session, flipped some heavy tires in the Agility Course. Coach Sloan was in attendance.

Girls Summer S&C Day 2

Starting at the sledding hill by Silver Lake at Side Cut Metro Park

  1. Dynamic Warmup
  2. Hill perimeter runs, starting on the left – x5
  3. Hill perimeter runs, starting on the right – x5
  4. Break for water, rest
  5. Fallen Timbers Trail run – up to the monument (off task flower picking and dog petting)
  6. Break for water, rest
  7. Fallen Timbers Trail run – back to sledding hill at Silver Lake

9 girls, 8 runners. None of the girls knew the Fallen Timbers Trail route; they ran it successfully with very little instruction. We got started a little later than I would have liked; time became an issue, and we could not fit in the yoga, hill runs on the back end, and the static stretching the boys did in the morning session. Coaches Bell and Taylor were not in attendance.

Boys Summer S&C Day 2

Starting at the sledding hill by Silver Lake at Side Cut Metro Park

  1. Dynamic Warmup
  2. Hill perimeter runs, starting on the left – x5
  3. Hill perimeter runs, starting on the right – x5
  4. Fallen Timbers Trail run – up to the monument
  5. Break for water, rest
  6. Yoga – emphasis on hips and hammies
  7. Fallen Timbers Trail run – back to the sledding hill
  8. Break for water, rest
  9. Hill perimeter runs, starting on the left – x3
  10. Hill perimeter runs, starting on the right – x3
  11. Static streching

Good session, 24 boys, Coach Sloan was in attendance