Dynamic Warm-Up (25-yard distance)
- Walking Quad Pulls (pull knee to chest, pull ankle to butt)
- Open/Close the Gate
- High Step/Kick
- Carioca Left/Right
- Side Shuffle Left/Right
- Diagonal Plant and Cut
- Sprint to Backpedal
- Backpedal to Sprint
- Jog and Twist
- Skip
- Power Skip
Illinois Agility Test
Setup: 8 cones in total. Cones 1 & 2 in a line 10 yds apart. Parallel to (and 2.5 yds from) that line are Cones 3-6 equally spaced over 10 yds. Parallel to (and 2.5 yds from) that line are Cones 7 & 8 in a line 10 yds apart.
Cone 2 | Cone 6 | Cone 7 |
Cone 5 | ||
Cone 4 | ||
Cone 1 | Cone 3 | Cone 8 |
- Lie face down at the “start” cone 1.
- Jump up and sprint up to and around cone 2, back down and around cone 3, slalom around cones 4 and 5, up to and around cone 6, slalom back through cones 5 and 4, back down and around cone 3, up to and around cone 7, back down through cone 8, the “finish”.
- Repeat, starting at cone 8 and finishing at cone 1.
5-10-5 Pro Agility Drill
Setup: 3 cones, 5 yds apart in a straight line.
Left Cone | Middle Cone | Right Cone |
- Start by straddling the middle cone with one hand touching the cone.
- Sprint to the cone on the right – touch with right hand.
- Sprint to the cone on the left – touch with left hand.
- Sprint back through middle cone.
- Repeat in opposite direction.
X Drill
Setup: 4 cones, 5 yds apart in a square.
Cone 3 | Cone 2 | |
Cone 1 | Cone 4 |
- Start at Cone 1, Sprint to Cone 2
- Lateral Shuffle across to Cone 3
- Pivot 45 degrees and cross over backward to Cone 4
- Turn and sprint back to Cone 1.
- Switch starting cone and repeat in opposite direction.
3 Cone L Drill
Setup: 3 cones, 5 yds apart in an L shape.
Cone 2 | Cone 3 | |
Cone 1 |
- Start at Cone 1, Sprint to and touch Cone 2
- Sprint back to and touch Cone 1
- Sprint up and around Cone2 toward the inside of cone 3
- Turn around Cone 3, back around Cone 2 and past Cone 1
- Switch starting cone and repeat in opposite direction
W Drill
Setup: 7 cones, 5 yds apart in zig-zag pattern
Cone 2 | Cone 4 | Cone 6 | ||||
Cone 1 | Cone 3 | Cone 5 | Cone 7 |
- Start at Cone 1. Sprint to Cone 2
- Plant w/ outside foot. Backpedal to Cone 3
- Sprint to Cone 4. Repeat for remaining cones.
- Switch starting cones and repeat in opposite direction
Plant & Cut: 6 cones set at various distances apart
- Run at each cone (plant) and hold for 3 seconds x4
- Run and cut at cones with no stopping x4
- Change cone distances x3
4-Cone Drill:
- Sprint north to cone
- Shuffle east to cone
- Backpedal south to cone
- Carioca west to cone
- Repeat 4x, changing starting cone each time
Agility Ladder Drills:
- Single Step: Run through the ladder placing one foot in each square.
- Double Step: Run through the ladder placing two feet in each square, leading with the left foot. After one trip, repeat while leading with the right foot.
- Slalom Run: Begin on the right side of the ladder.
- Place your left foot into the first square, place your right foot into the same square.
- Take your left foot out of the square and place it on the outside left of the ladder.
- Advance your right foot to the next square. Follow with your left foot.
- Take your right foot out of the square and place it on the outside right of the ladder.
- Repeat this pattern through the ladder.
- Out-In (2 feet): Begin with both feet straddling the ladder.
- Step into the first square with your left foot, then follow with your right foot into the same square.
- Step out with your left foot, follow by stepping out with your right foot.
- Alternate lead foot next time you go through the ladder.
- Out-In (1 foot): Begin with both feet straddling the ladder.
- Left foot into first square.
- Right foot moves up to second square but stays outside.
- Left foot moves up to outside of second square.
- Right foot moves into second square.
- Left up to outside of third square.
- Right up to outside … L&R are in every other square.