Lateral Speed and Agility – July

5-10-15 Drill

  • Sprint out, turn, sprint back
  • Sprint out, backpedal back
  • Backpedal out, sprint back
  • Shuffle out, carioca back

12 Cone Shuffle/Weave/Slalom Drill

  • 1) Shuffle
  • Sprint-shuffle-backpedal (reverse on 2nd run)
  • 2) Weave
  • Weave up, sprint down, weave up, sprint down (change sides on 2nd run)
  • 3) Slalom
  • Slalom east and west through cones (change sides on 2nd run)
  • Cone Spacing: 2 1/2′ north & south, 3′ east & west

Pro Agility Drill

  • Start in the middle of two cones 10 yards apart.
  • Sprint to the right cone and touch it with your right hand.
  • Sprint back across the middle to the left cone and touch it with your left hand.
  • Sprint back to the right, finishing in the middle.

Nebraska Agility Drill

  • Two cones five yards apart. Stand at the right side of one cone facing the other.
  • Sprint to the cone opposite and make a right hand turn around the cone.
  • Run to the cone you started from and make a left hand turn around the cone.
  • Continue on to the cone opposite and touch it with your fingers, then backpedal across the starting line to finish.