So called because the pattern and/or timing is indeterminate, unknown ahead of time. Also known as reactive training; chaos training includes various reaction and mirror drills.
Reaction Drills
Use hand signals or visual methods to indicate stop/start/direction etc. This forces the players to use their eyes. Keep your whistle in your pocket.
- Sprint then stop on a visual command; decelerate by chopping the feet to a stop upon a hand signal from the coach.
- Sprint then turn on visual command; plant pivot foot hard and sharply turn on a hand signal.
- Sprint then reverse direction on visual command; sprint back, stop on audio command. Or better yet use a 2nd coach to provide a visual command.
Mirror Drills
Quick little drills/games especially good for defending. Limit length to 20-30 seconds; get ’em in and get ’em out.
- Side-to-Side: Utilize two narrow channels; leader has free reign to move in channel. Shuffle, sprint, carioca, turn, jump, whatever. Follower must copy movements and follow as closely as possible. The follower must remain in their channel. Incorporate the ball into this drill at the end.
- Arms Length: Utilize 20 yard box. The leader is unlimited; the follower must stay within an arms length of the leader.
- Mirror: Use two 10 yard boxes; the leader in one and the follower in the other. The leader is free to move how they see fit; side-to-side, front-to-back, etc. The follower must mirror the movements of the leader.
- Tag: Yes, the simple game of tag. Restrict their space, of course.